Nakama CH2: 単語ゲーム

This is a Bingo Dictation Game designed to help students reviewing CH2 vocabulary. There are nine sets of Bingo sheet in total. 120-Ch2-Voca_Bingo Bingo Dictation Slides with Animation I made…

Nakama2 CH4 単語練習

15-25 min to complete. This is not a multi-choice handout. The handout uses Chang-sensei's handout for reference (I will include her original handout below). I added ten more incorrect choices…

Nakama2 CH9 単語練習

The handout takes 20 min to complete. The most asked question in the handout was Q12. Students often asked about the difference between "sb.とつきあう" and "sb.につきある." The expression "sb.と sth.につきあう"…

Nakama2 CH7 単語練習

This handout takes around 30min to complete. The most asked question for this handout was what is the difference between「煮る (to stew)」と「茹でる (to boil)」. The following is a renewed version…